I had a moment yesterday. It wasn't a, "Oh I am so happy I could just cry" kind of moment. Don't get me wrong - I am pretty happy - but it was more of a, "Oh Crimony - this baby is going to be here in 12 weeks" kind of moment. And let's be honest, I really didn't say crimony. Just trying to keep this blog G-rated. I literally froze as the thought played on repeat in my mind. My dr was trying to talk to me during the sonogram, and I was rendered speechless. We all know that I always have something to say, so that must have been one heck of a BIG moment.
So, while I was doing my three hour glucose testing this morning, I made a list of honey do's that need to be done in the next 8 weeks give or take. We all know that I am not going to get anything done once school is out for the summer because I'll be the beached whale hanging out in the shallow end of the pool while the girls swim. I hope SeaWorld doesn't come looking for a whale, because I may be a target. ;)
I'll also be the honey doing the honey do's on this list as well seeing how this has been a busy time in the concrete world. I'm going to be sporting a lot of different hats, but that's not really something that is foreign to me. I may just have the pace of a turtle and a little waddle going on while trying to complete everything.
I am pretty fired up with this "nesting" thing kicking in, so I am going to take full advantage of it. I wish it lasted more than just throughout my pregnancy. I found great organizing blog with lots of cools tips on Facebook of all places! Who would have thought?!?!? I have also compiled an arsenal of recipes to do weekly meal planning courtesy of my new addiction, Pinterest, and my Food Network magazine, my other obsession.
In other news - MC turned 4 on Wednesday. I don't know if any of you saw her picture on Facebook, but she was one fired up precious pretty. She's devastated it's not her birthday anymore, but she hasn't lost her zest for life. I can't imagine my life without her. I mean, I don't know a lot of other kids that would sing the Circle of Life on the top of their lungs to make sure that "Simba", the lone male lion at the Smithsonian Zoo, knew she was there. She has more facial expressions than Jim Carrey and Will Ferrell combined. She wants to wear "up-sleeves" and shorts all the time. She will correct you if you tell her she looks pretty or cute, and tell you that she looks awesome. I was a hot mess on her birthday, and thankfully I had an amazing friend with me for the majority of the day to keep me sane. I sure do love that precious pretty, and I am just in awe with the fact that God thought I could handle another one.
Big weekend coming up so I better get busy. WE have soccer and softball practice tonight, soccer game and a birthday party tomorrow, PP#2's birthday party and another birthday party on Sunday. I need to get everything done for MC's party by Sunday. I'll just put on another hat and figure it out as I go. It's how I roll.
Carry on.
The Foley Four....almost Five
Friday, March 30, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Back in the saddle
Hi. I know it's been a while. Five months give or take. But what an amazing five months it has been! And I really don't feel so bad about seeing how some of the other mommy bloggers I follow haven't posted since Christmas, or Summer 2011 - or even one was back in 2010. I instantly felt better. so thank you.
SO what has been going on since then? Well, Texas A&M SECeded to the SEC, so that was basically all my dear husband talked about in the Fall. And if our lives weren't entwined with soccer & gymnastics, then we were in College Station rooting on my TBG's (the big guy) beloved Aggies.
Then this precious thing decided to let me know she was here. Yep - She's a she. We are expecting to welcome our third Precious Pretty Foley Girl to our family come the end of June. It's very overwhelming that God blessed us with another one. I don't think I could come up with the adequate words to describe my gratefulness for this baby. Blessed beyond measure for sure.
I am actually 25 weeks today, and just 14 more weeks to go unless she decides to make her grand entrance before then. Why delivery at 39 weeks? Well, Tim and I have a knack for making really big babies - as in 11 pound babies - so the doctor said he would deliver a week early. She is actually due on July 2, so I am expecting her to be quite the firecracker. She doesn't have a name yet, so we are referring to her as Bess (for now).
Precious Pretty #1 has really be excelling in everything she has been doing this year. She started Kindergarten, is reading like a champ, and told me she can't wait to do the summer reading program at the library to start in a couple of months. Talk about making a mommy proud, but a little overwhelmed as well. She's growing up too fast, and that makes me cry all the time. I mean - what happened to my cajones? I cried when she lost her first top tooth last week. Yesterday she blew TBG and I away when she started riding her bike by herself after Tim took off her training wheels. He ran with her one time, and she basically told him, "I got this." Girl, she did and I cried. Again. Tim is hoping I am just emotional because of the double does of estrogen I have going through my body right now, but part of me knows that I will carrying around a box of Puffs with lotion with me where ever I go for the next couple of decades.
Here is she celebrating her two goals at soccer a couple of weeks ago. Sherman FINALLY got not one, but TWO yogurt shops and I am thrilled. The pretties are as well.
Here is her self-portrait she did a few weeks ago. She is still obsessed with animals, and I kind of hope she doesn't ever outgrow her desire to be a vet.
Precious Pretty #2 keeps me on my toes from sun up to sun down. If "Bess" is anything like Precious Pretty #2 then girl do I have my work cut out for me. Maybe all the running around keeping up with those two will melt away all of my extra lbs and I will be able to flaunt a bikini like this model mom:
FAAAAT chance, I know. But one can dream, right?
PP#2 is still loving gymnastics, and wants whatever big sister wants/does/eats/dreams/yougetthepicture. I mean everything. She kind of bypassed through the whole princess period in her young life because big sister only likes Rapunzel, so that is MC's current obsession. Cinde-who? She is deathly afraid of anything that flies - with the exception of butterflies.
She felt like a really big girl when I took her to get her 2nd hair cut ever. She loved it and asked if she could go back again the next day.
Yes, she has more hair than big sister did at this age. She didn't want to go outside and play because "she didn't want the wind to blow away her hair cut." She already knows at the ripe age of 3 3/4 years old that you don't do anything that will potentially mess up your hair the hours (or sometimes days in my case if I have gotten an epic blowout) after you leave the salon.
I don't know how she is going to react to Bess. When you ask her if she is excited to be a big sister, her reply is, "Baby isn't here yet." And she wants nothing to do with Tim, which has been a strange turn of events. She usually wants to do EVERYTHING with him, and now she doesn't want to even hold his hand. TBG is heart broken over it, but I keep telling him she'll come around. She knows what's coming, so she is stickin' to her mama like white on rice for the time being.
Speaking of PP#2, I need to go pick her up. PP#1 stayed home sick from school today WITH THE FLU, so I wanted to keep MC in school all day to keep her way from the virus as long as I could.
Looking forward to blogging again next week. Didn't realize how much I missed it.
Until then, carry on.
sbf xo
Sunday, October 23, 2011
I know it's been two months since my last post, so I thought I would fill you in on what has ben going on in the Foley household!
Precious Pretty #1 is in Kindergarten and is loving it! She is coming home telling me everything that she is learning, reading, and her adventures on the playground. Apparently a couple of little boys in her class want her to be their girlfriend. I told her that she is a girl, and she is a friend, and that is that. I don't know how long that will last, but it's working right now. I mean really, who talks about having girlfriends and getting married in Kindergarten?
She is playing soccer with the same team she has been on for the last three seasons and she loves it. It's been such a joy to watch these group of girls grow up in front of my eyes. They are getting so much better with the ball, and it's fun to watch their competitive spirit come out on the field.
She is still doing gymnastics, and has developed some seriously muscles because of that. She is doing full-body pushups, walking on the HIGH balance beam all by herself, and will more than likely be doing a beautiful cartwheel by the spring. She is almost there now!
Precious Pretty #2 LOVES her new school, and never misses an opportunity to wave to her sister when she walks by the Kindergarten class room. We have had to work on her just quietly waving and not yelling to get her sister's attention. She doesn't want to be late to school because she doesn't want to miss prayer time or saying the Pledge of Allegiance, and gets on Big Sister's case when she isn't getting out the door fast enough.
She is doing gymnastics as well, and can't WAIT to start playing soccer. I am going to be one busy soccer mom next Fall! PP#2 has made some sweet friends in her class, and just brings joy to everyone she meets.
AS for me, my life changed a couple of days after the last post - hence the reason why I haven't posted much. I was doing that contract job, but the day that it ended, I got a call from the recruiter in Canada I had interviewed with in June. They offered me the job, I am now doing sales and recruiting for a biomedical staffing company. I LOVE it. I get to work from home, and I love the fact that I can work around my girls schedule. However, it has been a bit difficult to get it all in. I'm still trying to find the right balance on trying to keep the house in order, get the girls to where they need to be and when, get my work done while they are at school, prepare meals, exercise and blog. Obviously, the last two things have taken the backseat, but that is ok. It's how I roll.
Hoping to start adding blogging into my routine. Maybe on Sunday nights, because that is when when Big T and I usually watch TV together. I have been jogging a couple of times a week, and consistently run anywhere between 3-4 miles. I know if I want to start running longer distances that I will need to watch my food intake (because you can't outsmart bad nutrition), and either go to bed earlier to wake up and run, or run later at night (scary). I'll let ya know.
Have a great week!
Precious Pretty #1 is in Kindergarten and is loving it! She is coming home telling me everything that she is learning, reading, and her adventures on the playground. Apparently a couple of little boys in her class want her to be their girlfriend. I told her that she is a girl, and she is a friend, and that is that. I don't know how long that will last, but it's working right now. I mean really, who talks about having girlfriends and getting married in Kindergarten?
She is playing soccer with the same team she has been on for the last three seasons and she loves it. It's been such a joy to watch these group of girls grow up in front of my eyes. They are getting so much better with the ball, and it's fun to watch their competitive spirit come out on the field.
She is still doing gymnastics, and has developed some seriously muscles because of that. She is doing full-body pushups, walking on the HIGH balance beam all by herself, and will more than likely be doing a beautiful cartwheel by the spring. She is almost there now!
Precious Pretty #2 LOVES her new school, and never misses an opportunity to wave to her sister when she walks by the Kindergarten class room. We have had to work on her just quietly waving and not yelling to get her sister's attention. She doesn't want to be late to school because she doesn't want to miss prayer time or saying the Pledge of Allegiance, and gets on Big Sister's case when she isn't getting out the door fast enough.
She is doing gymnastics as well, and can't WAIT to start playing soccer. I am going to be one busy soccer mom next Fall! PP#2 has made some sweet friends in her class, and just brings joy to everyone she meets.
AS for me, my life changed a couple of days after the last post - hence the reason why I haven't posted much. I was doing that contract job, but the day that it ended, I got a call from the recruiter in Canada I had interviewed with in June. They offered me the job, I am now doing sales and recruiting for a biomedical staffing company. I LOVE it. I get to work from home, and I love the fact that I can work around my girls schedule. However, it has been a bit difficult to get it all in. I'm still trying to find the right balance on trying to keep the house in order, get the girls to where they need to be and when, get my work done while they are at school, prepare meals, exercise and blog. Obviously, the last two things have taken the backseat, but that is ok. It's how I roll.
Hoping to start adding blogging into my routine. Maybe on Sunday nights, because that is when when Big T and I usually watch TV together. I have been jogging a couple of times a week, and consistently run anywhere between 3-4 miles. I know if I want to start running longer distances that I will need to watch my food intake (because you can't outsmart bad nutrition), and either go to bed earlier to wake up and run, or run later at night (scary). I'll let ya know.
Have a great week!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
3K bound
Last weekend the girls took off with their daddy to Dub Falls for the rodeo (Ranch Roundup). We took them last year & they had a blast. They couldn't wait to go & watch the cowboys try to catch the cows. They were even more excited to watch the horses jump around & try to throw the cowboys on the dirt. They had a great time & were so proud of their new rodeo shirt daddy bought them.

Some of you may or may not know this, but I started working outside the home, but in my home about a month ago. Huh??? Yes, I took a 60 day contract job to work from home as a virtual recruiter. It's pretty nice, because my office attire is what I want it to be (pjs, workout wear, whatever), and it's really flexible which is what I wanted/needed. I didn't go to the rodeo because I needed to catch up on work because I was given a new territory to recruit for (I'm recruiting for sales reps in Delaware now). Plus, precious pretty #2 was starting 3K on Monday, & I needed to catch up on their room & organize their closets.
Pretty #2 was so excited to be going to the "big" school with sister. She could hardly stand still for her picture. She was ready to take off!!

Here she is her teacher, Mrs. Colvin. Mrs. Colvin has taught at SMS for 30 years, and I am so grateful that God guided us to her class this year!

Sweetest. Picture. Ever.

All in all, I think it's going to be a really good year for my pretties. Excited to share stories of what's become & what's to come. Have a great week!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Some of you may or may not know this, but I started working outside the home, but in my home about a month ago. Huh??? Yes, I took a 60 day contract job to work from home as a virtual recruiter. It's pretty nice, because my office attire is what I want it to be (pjs, workout wear, whatever), and it's really flexible which is what I wanted/needed. I didn't go to the rodeo because I needed to catch up on work because I was given a new territory to recruit for (I'm recruiting for sales reps in Delaware now). Plus, precious pretty #2 was starting 3K on Monday, & I needed to catch up on their room & organize their closets.
Pretty #2 was so excited to be going to the "big" school with sister. She could hardly stand still for her picture. She was ready to take off!!

Here she is her teacher, Mrs. Colvin. Mrs. Colvin has taught at SMS for 30 years, and I am so grateful that God guided us to her class this year!

Sweetest. Picture. Ever.

All in all, I think it's going to be a really good year for my pretties. Excited to share stories of what's become & what's to come. Have a great week!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, August 20, 2011
K is for Kate the Kindergartener
My Precious Pretty #1 started Kindergarten this past Monday. She has been anticipating this day all summer, and was really worked up about it on Monday. One thing I have noticed about PP #1 is that she has become very particular about certain things. It's like she is a selective perfectionist or some thing like that. We started & ended the week well, and I'm just going to chalk up what happened those days in between as the "adjustment". She likes her uniform. She read two of her BOB books to her teacher today. She survived & mshe realized kindergarten wasn't so bad.
Crayon wreath we made. Didn't quite hold up as well as I thought it shoulda-coulda-woulda.

Her new backpack & her special "K is for Kate the Kindergartener" goodie bag that I stuffed with pencils, pencil holders, a puppy folder & spiral, silly bands, chapstick, erasers, etc. I love shopping for school supplies, but the school that Kate goes to supplied everything she needed this year. You better believe I still had go buy some.

Waking her up for the first day. Of all the days she could have slept in throughout the summer, she chose not to rise early that day.

Ready as ever!

On our way!

On Wednesdays they go Mass, so we had to take the picture of the uniform.

Precious Pretty #2 will also be starting 3K at SMS. She will be starting a week late, because I had her registered and ready to go to another school. I don't know what happened, but something didn't feel right when I left the Meet the Teacher Nigh at the school where PP#2 was supposed to go. I didn't feel settled or have any warm and fuzzies, and I had a lot of unanswered questions. After a sleepless night, and lots of thoughts, prayers and reflection, I let Go and let God. He guided us to SMS and I am at peace.
I'm going to try really hard to keep up with this more often. Maybe it will be easier for me now since I have the blog app on my phone again. We'll see.
Happy school year!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Summer is.....
slipping through our fingers! I feel as though I was at Precious Pretty #1's school for field day on the last day of school back in May and blinked and it was July. July 7th to be exact. Sheesh!
We have had a great month of summer so far, and it's hard to believe that PP#1 will be starting Kindergarten in 5 weeks. I KNOW. I may need to go see the dr again and ask him for some Xanax. I'm already having minor anxiety attacks just typing about it. For reals.
SO - We had soccer camp in WF the first week of June. The following week we had about 20 kids from St. Mary's school come over for a swim day. That was super fun and I hope we can do it again before school starts! The pretties then got to spend the weekend in WF again with their Grammy & Grampy while I went to Fredricksburg for the wedding of one of my best friends from college, Stacygirl. Here is the stunning bride and please note that although it is a beautiful picture of her, the picture in no way shape or form does this bride any justice. She was BREATHTAKINGLY STUNNING.
I was able to spend some much needed time with some of my mamas, too. It always amazes me that even though we see each other once a year, we always pick up where we left off. As if the 365 days in between our visits were shrunk down into one of those surprise tablets. You know what I am talking about - you put a tablet in water and out comes a surprise sponge in some sort of shape or color. I feel as though we just add a little water (or adult beverage) and our friendship just blossoms out to something bigger and better every time. The same warmth and love I felt with their friendship fifteen years ago is still evident today, and it's just as strong. I love my mamas!
*sigh* I miss them already.
Week #3: PP#1 went to VBS at Covenant Presbyterian while Precious Pretty #2 stayed home and sulked because she couldn't go. However, she didn't sulk for long because our sweet friends Sarah, Luke & Elizabeth came over from Dub Falls to visit for a few days with us. We also went to Ancient Ovens in Saint Jo, Texas, to celebrate my mother's 60th birthday. That week was crazy but we loved every minute of it!
Week #4: We had another soccer camp in the evenings before we headed out to San Antonio.
I am in no way getting paid for this advertisement here, but if you are looking for a great, quick little get away with the family, I highly recommend the Hyatt Hill Country Resort in San Antonio. It was FANTASTIC! We were there for five days, and I can honestly say that I needed a vacation from that vacation. We didn't even go to the Alamo, Sea World or anything like that because there were so many activities to do at the resort. I can count on three fingers how many times we left the property the five days we were there. The pretties have already asked when they get to go to San Antonio to stay in the hotel again. :)
We came home from SA, and literally rested for a day before we headed four hours west to Possum Kingdom Lake for the 4th of July. I honestly can't imagine spending the 4th anywhere else. I know we have a great lake literally at our back door (not our pool, but Lake Texoma), but there is just something about PK that just feels perfect for the 4th.
We are back now and have had a couple of rest days at home which have been NICE. We have VBS at FUMC next week, and then both of the pretties are going to a Music & Art camp the following week, and PP#2 is so excited that she is busting at the seams. She wants to go "camping" so bad! We have another week off, before it's time for a sports camp for both pretties. Then it's the last week of summer before my precious, precious pretty starts kindergarten. Cue Tears.
I also can't believe that we have been in Sherman for almost a year now. August 7th marks the one year anniversary, and I must say that we are doing so much better than we were 11 months ago. I'm not going to lie - it was a little rocky at first, but my pretties are now happy, and I am still getting acclimated to everything. I am starting to strongly like it though - not quite close to love yet only because of all of my beloved family & friends back home. All in due time, I know.
While I have been here for the last 11 months, I finally had the opportunity to stay home with my pretties and be available to them as their mother 100% of the time. I have longed to be that for them for so long. However, after much reflection and prayer, I realized that even though I am at home with them, I was still missing something. Something just wasn't right, and it was some time with some great girlfriends in April and June that made me realize that.
My initial intention was to work as a substitute teacher in the Fall, but then that would mean that my precious pretty #2 would have to stay in the after care program at her Montessori school she will be attending in the Fall, and that didn't sit with me well. When I got back from the amazing weekend in Fredricksburg, I started searching for virtual recruiting positions that would offer me a way to be available to my pretties 99% of the time, but still able to keep my mind active, and have something that I really enjoy doing. I feel very fortunate to be able to share that I actually have my first contract recruiting job that starts next week. I don't know how it is going to work with the girls being home, but I know I will be able to figure it out. The beauty of having a contract job is that once I get a couple of contracts under my belt, I will be able to pick and choose what contracts I want to do. It's a great part-time gig, and I couldn't be happier.
To my mamas in H-Town, A-Town, NRH & Dub Falls - thank you for your love - your support - your encouragement - your appetite - your laughs - your smarts - your wittiness - your hugs - our late night talks that lasted until the wee hours of the morning - your lack of judgment of me & just loving me just the way I am. You ladies know me better than anyone, and I feel very fortunate to be able to call you my mamas, my friends - my sisters. It would be my biggest honor if I can continue to give you all you have given me. Our next visit couldn't come soon enough, but I know the days will go by super fast and before we know it we will be carrying on again. Until next time..........
We have had a great month of summer so far, and it's hard to believe that PP#1 will be starting Kindergarten in 5 weeks. I KNOW. I may need to go see the dr again and ask him for some Xanax. I'm already having minor anxiety attacks just typing about it. For reals.
SO - We had soccer camp in WF the first week of June. The following week we had about 20 kids from St. Mary's school come over for a swim day. That was super fun and I hope we can do it again before school starts! The pretties then got to spend the weekend in WF again with their Grammy & Grampy while I went to Fredricksburg for the wedding of one of my best friends from college, Stacygirl. Here is the stunning bride and please note that although it is a beautiful picture of her, the picture in no way shape or form does this bride any justice. She was BREATHTAKINGLY STUNNING.
I was able to spend some much needed time with some of my mamas, too. It always amazes me that even though we see each other once a year, we always pick up where we left off. As if the 365 days in between our visits were shrunk down into one of those surprise tablets. You know what I am talking about - you put a tablet in water and out comes a surprise sponge in some sort of shape or color. I feel as though we just add a little water (or adult beverage) and our friendship just blossoms out to something bigger and better every time. The same warmth and love I felt with their friendship fifteen years ago is still evident today, and it's just as strong. I love my mamas!
*sigh* I miss them already.
Week #3: PP#1 went to VBS at Covenant Presbyterian while Precious Pretty #2 stayed home and sulked because she couldn't go. However, she didn't sulk for long because our sweet friends Sarah, Luke & Elizabeth came over from Dub Falls to visit for a few days with us. We also went to Ancient Ovens in Saint Jo, Texas, to celebrate my mother's 60th birthday. That week was crazy but we loved every minute of it!
Week #4: We had another soccer camp in the evenings before we headed out to San Antonio.
I am in no way getting paid for this advertisement here, but if you are looking for a great, quick little get away with the family, I highly recommend the Hyatt Hill Country Resort in San Antonio. It was FANTASTIC! We were there for five days, and I can honestly say that I needed a vacation from that vacation. We didn't even go to the Alamo, Sea World or anything like that because there were so many activities to do at the resort. I can count on three fingers how many times we left the property the five days we were there. The pretties have already asked when they get to go to San Antonio to stay in the hotel again. :)
PP#1 with her soccer coach Alvin. Alvin plays soccer for the Baylor Bears and hopes to get into law school next year. We loved Coach Alvin!!
With cousin HG at the resort in San Antonio.
We came home from SA, and literally rested for a day before we headed four hours west to Possum Kingdom Lake for the 4th of July. I honestly can't imagine spending the 4th anywhere else. I know we have a great lake literally at our back door (not our pool, but Lake Texoma), but there is just something about PK that just feels perfect for the 4th.
We are back now and have had a couple of rest days at home which have been NICE. We have VBS at FUMC next week, and then both of the pretties are going to a Music & Art camp the following week, and PP#2 is so excited that she is busting at the seams. She wants to go "camping" so bad! We have another week off, before it's time for a sports camp for both pretties. Then it's the last week of summer before my precious, precious pretty starts kindergarten. Cue Tears.
I also can't believe that we have been in Sherman for almost a year now. August 7th marks the one year anniversary, and I must say that we are doing so much better than we were 11 months ago. I'm not going to lie - it was a little rocky at first, but my pretties are now happy, and I am still getting acclimated to everything. I am starting to strongly like it though - not quite close to love yet only because of all of my beloved family & friends back home. All in due time, I know.
While I have been here for the last 11 months, I finally had the opportunity to stay home with my pretties and be available to them as their mother 100% of the time. I have longed to be that for them for so long. However, after much reflection and prayer, I realized that even though I am at home with them, I was still missing something. Something just wasn't right, and it was some time with some great girlfriends in April and June that made me realize that.
My initial intention was to work as a substitute teacher in the Fall, but then that would mean that my precious pretty #2 would have to stay in the after care program at her Montessori school she will be attending in the Fall, and that didn't sit with me well. When I got back from the amazing weekend in Fredricksburg, I started searching for virtual recruiting positions that would offer me a way to be available to my pretties 99% of the time, but still able to keep my mind active, and have something that I really enjoy doing. I feel very fortunate to be able to share that I actually have my first contract recruiting job that starts next week. I don't know how it is going to work with the girls being home, but I know I will be able to figure it out. The beauty of having a contract job is that once I get a couple of contracts under my belt, I will be able to pick and choose what contracts I want to do. It's a great part-time gig, and I couldn't be happier.
To my mamas in H-Town, A-Town, NRH & Dub Falls - thank you for your love - your support - your encouragement - your appetite - your laughs - your smarts - your wittiness - your hugs - our late night talks that lasted until the wee hours of the morning - your lack of judgment of me & just loving me just the way I am. You ladies know me better than anyone, and I feel very fortunate to be able to call you my mamas, my friends - my sisters. It would be my biggest honor if I can continue to give you all you have given me. Our next visit couldn't come soon enough, but I know the days will go by super fast and before we know it we will be carrying on again. Until next time..........
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Lemonade, Soccer & Cobbler
Precious Pretty #1 kicked off her summer before she starts Kindergarten with her Grammy in WF. Kate attended the MSU Soccer Camp with her friends, and had THE BEST TIME! There were girls there at the camp that she hadn't seen in a long time and she was just thrilled to be there.
See! Told ya she was a happy pretty.
With the other pretties in her soccer camp.
With Coach Katy. Katy goes to our church back home, and it has been an absolute joy watching her grow up. She just graduated from high school and will be playing soccer for Midwestern State!
When I arrived at WF on Thursday, I was informed by Pretty #1that Grammy told her that she could have a Lemonade Stand after camp. She decided that it needed to be a Lemonade Sale since they were selling lemonade. One of her best friends joined her and they had the best time. What we thought would have been a 30 minute Lemonade "Sale" turned into a three hour successful afternoon!
After a whirlwind weekend in WF we headed to Southlake for our niece's birthday party and nephew's soccer game. I was able to hit up Central Market on the way home to get groceries and was in produce bliss! If I only would have remembered to purchase peaches for this lovely cobbler! I baked this Memorial Day weekend and it was just the perfect end to our cookout! I got the recipe from the Junior League of Nashville's cookbook, Notably Nashville.
Old Fashioned Peach Cobbler
1 stick of butter (1/2 cup)
4 cups of peeled & sliced peaches
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup milk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt the butter in a 9x13-inch baking dish while the oven is heating.
Combine peaches and 1/2 cup of sugar in a bowl and toss to mix well.
Combine the flour, baking powder, salt & 1 cup sugar in a mixing bowl. Add the milk & mix until smooth. Pull baking dish out of the oven and spoon batter evenly into the baking dish, but do not stir. Spoon the peaches over the batter, but do not stir.
Bake at 350 until the topping is light brown: the peaches will sink to the bottom. (Mine was in the over for about 45-50 minutes)
Serve warm or room temperature with ice cream or whipped cream.
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