Kate has had it rough the past couple of weeks. She hardly EVER gets sick. Until last week. Last Wednesday night she woke us up because she got sick in her room. Three hours in the sick time waiting room later I found out that she had the flu. She put on her rally cap and bounced back Thursday afternoon, and was well enough to go back to school on Friday. You couldn't even tell she had been sick!
Friday afternoon after playing at school all day she went up to her teacher and said she couldn't play anymore because she did not feel good. She was sick Saturday, felt a little better on Sunday, but didn't show any signs of improvement on Monday. SO BACK to the sick time waiting room and 3 hours later I find out she has pneumonia in her left lung. YUCK! So this is what she pretty much did for the rest of the day....lay around and watch tv. She was upset that Mary Clare was still at school so she asked me to cover her up with her "born" blanket. What's the born blanket you ask?? Kate's reply to me was, "It's the blanket that Mary Clare got when she was born." (the blankets in the nursery.) Sometimes kids pick up on more than we realize.
Our prayers are answered and Kate is doing better!
Bless her heart!!! Give her a huge hug from Aunt Carlye and Georgia.
Good Heavens! That poor baby! I can't believe she recovered from the flu so quickly! I hope she feels 100% soon! Hugs and kisses!
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