Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mission accomplished....sort of

So this morning I read my blog to see what I completed from my Big Ideas yesterday.

I did clean the house from top to bottom with the exception of my dining room which is my Casino Night HQ.  I didn't fold all the laundry, only 25% of it actually.

We didn't get to have the picnic.  Pretty #1 wanted to go to the office with Tim, and Pretty #2 took a four hour nap yesterday afternoon.  Homegirl was tired, and mama got to clean the house.  Even the playroom!

I didn't get to go workout, because by the time T got home I didn't want to get out.  So I worked out double hard today.  One hour spin class for the tri-training, and a 20 minute jog as well.  Tomorrow will be a jog/swim day.

I DID get to start the new blog!  I appreciate all of my friends and family who sent me texts & emails stating that I wasn't fat and inundated me with nice compliments.  Ya made me blush!  ;)
Fact of the matter is, the BMI calculator is telling me something different, and so did my doctor.  I'm  overwhelmed that you all love me just the way I am, but for my own personal reasons I need to get this off.  So, since Fat Mama Slim was already taken, I am now Fat Mama Slim Again.  There's not a lot on it, and I really don't know what direction I want to go on with this, but it's there.  Let the accountability begin!

Because many moons ago, I was a slim chick.  And I will be again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heading over to check out your other blog now! Way to go on the housecleaning! I have been trying to do that for weeks!